What is the best Surrogacy cost in Kenya 2023?

Only when people receive a low surrogacy cost in Kenya, will they agree for surrogacy in Kenya. Surrogacy has become so popular that almost every country allows surrogacy. There are numerous centre and surrogacy agencies in Kenya then why should we have our surrogacy in Kenya?
People should have their surrogacy in Kenya not for the low surrogacy cost in Kenya but for the minimum laws there. The laws to restrict surrogacy are really low in Kenya. This is the reason why every couples love having their surrogacy there.
Other than this all the surrogacy types are allowed there. No ban on any kind of surrogacy is there.
To know the full details over why surrogacy cost in Kenya is a good reason to have your surrogacy there people should read below:
What is the surrogacy procedure in Kenya?
The surrogacy procedures in Kenya are the same everywhere else. The difference is of the attention. Which country or centre gives how much attention, matters the most.
Surrogacy starts with the medical tests of the surrogate, then the counselling of the couples and surrogate. Counselling is important to prepare their minds.

Next the eggs and sperms, doctors collect from the couples. After this the doctor will combine them together and wait for an embryo to form. Once the embryo is here the doctor will insert it into the surrogate uterus.
Then everyone waits for the positive pregnancy result. If the result is not positive then doctors will suggest repeating the process.
How much does surrogacy cost in Kenya?
The cost of surrogacy in Kenya is a really reasonable price. The surrogacy cost Kenya is just USD 45,000 to USD 52,000. Couples will not receive such a low cost anywhere else. Only at the Go IVF Surrogacy can they have surrogacy in Kenya cost.
This cost is low because the Go IVF Surrogacy always tries to lower the charges for couples. They know not everyone can afford a high price.
Beside this donor eggs cost in USD is around 1,100 to 1,200. The donor sperm cost in Kenya is USD 500 to USD 600. Advance treatments can increase the surrogacy cost too.
What can affect the surrogacy cost in Kenya?
The factors that can affect the surrogacy cost in Kenya 2023 are not few in number. The very first factors are donor eggs and sperm. The cost of donor eggs and sperm when couples add in the surrogacy cost, it can be really high.
Next comes the advance treatments, a single ICSI can cost the same as IVF cost. PGD, SSR and TESA can cost more than a single IVF process.
The factors are the legal process. Kenya surrogacy laws do not restrict surrogacy. But here there is a legal procedure, if not taken care of properly then the baby will belong to the surrogate. To not let this happen couples should take help from the professional.
However, in Go IVF Surrogacy the legal procedure help will be by the centre itself.
Where can you get a low surrogacy cost in Kenya?
Receiving a low surrogacy cost in Kenya is easy as long as the couples come to Go IVF Surrogacy. Go IVF Surrogacy’s motto is to help couples have their babies and start a family life. After all who will not want a baby after marriage?
For this goal the surrogacy cost has been especially low here. Other than this the advance treatments have a reasonable cost. The doctors here give all their attention so that the success rate will rise. A high success rate means no failure. No failure means no charges of multiple attempts.
Lastly, Go IVF Surrogacy gives free first counselling, so that the couples know when to proceed ahead.
What should the couple do to lower the surrogacy cost in Kenya by themselves?
Couples firstly should take care of their health. If the health of their eggs and sperm is not good then they will have to use donor eggs and sperm. Donor eggs and sperm mean extra payment for them.
If their health is fit and fine then there will not be any need for advance treatments. No advance treatments mean no charges of them.
Lastly they must choose the best surrogacy centre in Kenya. Only when you are at the best centre can they give the best services at the low cost.
If your surrogate mother is from your family then there will not be any surrogate mother cost in Kenya for you. Most of the times families looking for surrogate mother in Kenya forgets about this.
What is the success of surrogacy in Kenya?
The success rate of surrogacy in Kenya is higher than 80% with donor eggs. This rate can increase more if the health of the couples is good.
And if they are taking proper care of the surrogate mother. In Kenya, the couples do not need to take care of the surrogate by themselves, but they must compensate for it. Only when the surrogate mother Kenya Nairobi has compensation can she take care of herself and the baby in her uterus.
Next the couples and surrogate both should not take stress and should let go of all addictions. Stress and depression can harm the mental health which in return can harm the physical health.
Read More:-https://www.ivfsurrogacy.in/surrogacy-cost-in-kenya/